Abundance is your birth right.

You came into this world pure, untouched, unlimited.

It’s the stories you have been told, the experiences you have had that have shaped you….. but they do not need to define you, and your future.

Beautiful, it’s to unlock the potential you came into this world with.

It’s time to ignite the spark inside of you that has been dimmed for far too long.

It’s time to create a life you love every single day.

It’s time to feel incredible.

Inside this month in Alchemy Lane, it is my mission to empower you, show you how beautiful life can be, give you the knowledge and tools to tap into your feminine energy, and allow your confidence to flourish.

A glimpse into this topic:

  • Online workshop with guest speaker; female empowerment and embodiment coach, Sophia Demetra:

    • tapping into your feminine energy to evoke more alignment and flow;

    • increasing your creativity through pleasure;

    • understanding your menstrual cycle, what to expect in the four stages and how to align your business, projects, social events etc.

  • Podcast episode - understanding your menstrual cycle;

  • Audio affirmations to promote self worth;

  • Journaling guide created by the founder of ‘As I Am’ with tips on how to effectively journey and guide you on your journey to self discovery.